Twelve  Books on Bullying Which May Help

Twelve Books on Bullying Which May Help

Is a bully picking on your child at school? Or are you concerned about your son's or daughter's behaviour? Sometimes a book on bullying can help. You might want some advice. Perhaps a work of fiction is good. Here are a few listed below.Bullies: Monologues on Bullying...

Passive aggressive bullying

Passive aggressive bullying

Ask a room full of people to put up their hands if they've been bullied and you’re sure of a positive reaction. Ask if they’ve bullied anyone themselves, you’ll get the opposite reaction. No one wants the B label. But this behaviour has to start somewhere. Recent...

Why bullying is worse on birthdays

  Birthdays are a big deal. When you’re older not so much so, but when you’re turning nine  for example it’s a huge event.  So it’s natural to want to celebrate, maybe even have a party.  Problem is that if you are being bullied  it won’t seem like that. If you...

Why Snapchat Streaks Can Cause Anxiety

Why Snapchat Streaks Can Cause Anxiety

Has the Snapchat craze gone too far? You may have read in the media about  Snapchat streaks causing bullying and intimidation. The following are a few notes for parents and users about how this popular social media game began. How it functions. Snapchat is an app that...

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