Just Giving was one of the first platforms for fundraising online and remains one of the largest. It currently has 22 million users worldwide.
Create your own Just Giving fundraising page for our registered charity
Log into Our Charity page on Just Giving. Click on ‘Start Fundraising’.
- If you don’t have a Just Giving Page already, then click on ‘Sign Up’ to register an account. Fill in your details and a password which you should keep safe and not share.
- When asked ‘Are you fundraising for a registered charity?’, select ‘Yes, continue’.
- Let JustGiving know whether you’re taking part in an organised event like a marathon, or if you are organizing your own fundraising activity.
- If you can’t see your event listed, select ‘Add your own’ at the bottom of the page and provide more information about your activity.
- Choose your web address – this will be the link that you share with friends and family to ask for donations.
- If you are selling tickets to an event, raffle, or auction, or running a bake sale, tick ‘Yes’. Please note that donations to your page will not be eligible for Gift Aid in this case.
- Click ‘Create your page’ to finish setting up your fundraising page.
How Just Giving gets your money to us:
- JustGiving will send the money that you raise to us on a weekly basis.
Other ways you can donate to AAB